Preserving photoreceptor cells following retinal injury: Inhibition of alternate complement pathway revealed

Retinal detachment can occur as a result of either blunt trauma or as a side effect of a variety of ophthalmic diseases, including diabetic retinopathy, ocular tumors, and age-related macular degeneration.  There is a significant increase in the immune system’s ‘alternative complement pathway’ following retinal detachment, researchers report, adding that this pathway facilitated early photoreceptor…

Tiny Nanoparticles Could Make Big Impact for Cornea Transplants

There are about 48,000 corneal transplants done each year in the U.S., compared to approximately 16,000 kidney transplants and 2,100 heart transplants 12. Out of the 48,000 corneal transplants done, 10 percent of them end up in rejection, largely due to poor medication compliance.  The nanoparticle loaded with medication could eliminate the need for a…

New Trial Shows Drugs are Effective for Diabetic Macular Edema

 Diabetes is a significant risk factor for developing eye diseases. The most common diabetic eye disease and a leading cause of blindness is diabetic retinopathy.  Americans with diabetic retinopathy have diabetic macular edema (DME) in which fluid leaks into the macula, the area of the retina used when looking straight ahead.  Over the past few…